what is this?

Oh Sup Lauren is a personal blog about… well it’s about anything I want it to be about. It could also be about anything you want it to be about if you submit a suggestion for something for me to write about. OR you could just read one of my posts but change the title and pretend it is about something else entirely. The success of that option kind of depends on your own imagination and how strongly you can convince yourself of lies.

What does that say about you? Why you are reading things that way? Seems like a big waste of energy from where I sit.

who aM I?

I am Lauren McCoy. I’m a human woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a… grandchild? (If my grandparents are dead am I still able to take on that title?)

I enjoy writing and other people tell me I’m good at it. I don’t do it enough, I don’t know how to make money doing it, I don’t know if I want to make money doing it, and I’m not really even sure what exactly it is that I like to write.

But… I like it, so I’m going to do it and let the other bits fall into place as they may.